Quality Policy
May Asphalt Group Pty Ltd specialises in providing Profiling, Paving and Crack sealing of Asphalt services to Councils, Vic Roads, Construction, Commercial and Domestic Customers within Victoria.
May Asphalt Group has implemented an Integrated Management System that complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 standards.
The Company places emphasis on obtaining satisfaction to all interested parties by:
- Responding promptly to customer inquiries and orders and completing the work in accordance with agreed timeframes and schedules
- A constant pursuit of quality, value and reliability in the products and services the Company supplies to its customers
- Ensuring that all staff are trained and competent to meet the requirements of the business for the work to be performed
- Constantly meeting and where possible exceeding its customer’s expectations
- Working closely with its customers and suppliers in seeking to establish the highest quality standards
- Adopting a risk-based thinking on all business decisions which may have an impact on quality
- Recording feedback, both positive and negative and responding accordingly to ensure that the negative issues do not occur or recur again and that positive issues are communicated to all staff
- Valuing the input of its workers to the business and training all staff in the requirements of quality management
- Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the business and seeking ways to continually improve the business and the IMS
To support this policy, we will set objectives for all aspects of our business and monitor their achievement at regular intervals.
It is our policy to comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements and to establish, maintain and continually improve the effectiveness of our Management System. The ongoing suitability and effectiveness of the system is monitored and reviewed by Management to ensure that it consistently meets the current and future needs of the company and its customers. The responsibility for achieving this policy and our business objectives lies with the Management and all staff.
The Organisation is committed to operating its Quality Management System in a manner that complies with ISO 9001.
Occupational Health & Safety Policy
May Asphalt Group is committed to the protection of the health, safety and welfare of workers and others in the workplace. In order to implement this policy, a program of activities and procedures will be set up, carried out, modified and / or updated when and where appropriate.
These programs will relate to all aspects of work health and safety including:
- Workplace Consultation
- Work Health and Safety (WHS) information, training and supervision
- The risk management process and systems
- Roles and responsibilities
- Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS)
- Review of work methods and practice when required
- Emergency procedures and drills
- Providing WHS equipment, services and facilities, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Workplace inspections and evaluations
- Reporting and recording of incidents and injuries
- Injury management, rehabilitation, suitable duties and return-to-work
- Auditing and monitoring WHS systems, documenting outcomes for all workers to access and give feedback through Committee meetings, safety reps, newsletters and other forms of in-house communications; and
- Reviewing management systems to ensure compliance with current legislative requirements, National Standards, Codes of Practice, Guides etc. Any new or changed WHS requirements are disseminated to all company officers, supervisors, workers, contractors and suppliers as appropriate
This policy applies across all departments of May Asphalt Group and across all workplaces under this organizations control, including subcontractors and visitors to the workplace.
The Organisation is committed to operating its Occupational Health & Safety Management System in a manner that complies with ISO 45001.
Environmental Policy
May Asphalt Group is committed to ensuring that it has a low impact and small carbon footprint on the environment.
May Asphalt Group has implemented an environmental management system to continuously improve its environmental performance.
In order to meet this commitment, we will pursue the following objectives:
- Ensure compliance with all applicable environmental legislation and regulations
- Protect the environment
- Reduce emissions and prevent pollution
- Improve waste management practices
- Reduce consumption of natural resources and ensure all materials that can be recycled are reused
- Minimise noise and other nuisances
- Monitor, evaluate and assess our compliance and improve our environmental performance
- Report and investigate any environmental breaches or incidents on work sites
- To ensure that our environmental policies are available to interested parties including the public
Resources will be allocated to ensure that May Asphalt Group meets its environmental objectives and targets. May Asphalt Group will ensure that all staff are aware of its environmental program and to promote this awareness to its customers and suppliers.
The Organisation is committed to operating its Environmental Management System in a manner that complies with ISO 14001.